The Power of Everyday challenge is back!
I have always believed that consistent, deliberate practice is the most logical way to progress.
While we all aspire to become better versions of our self, often we lack the structure and clarity to pave our way to betterment.
The Power of Everyday is a simple task based project that will help anyone looking for improvement.
The rule is simple.
Pick out one task that you promise to do every single day of this month.
It could a very simple task.
Depending on the area which you want to improve in, pick a small achievable task that could be repeated every day in December.
Every Saturday, I shall put a blog post as a reminder so that we all stay on track.
I suggest making a little calendar like this and strike off every day on which you accomplish your daily task.
My Power of Everyday task for December 2018:
Write and Publish a blog post on every single day of the month.
Feel free to share your daily task in the comments below.
Let’s keep each other accountable and move into the new year with positive momentum.
We are in this together.
And off we go !
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