Thriving Mindfully

A Bicyclist's Guide to Pushing
Your Limits, Luck, and Life

A Bicyclist's Guide to Pushing Your Limits, Luck, and Life

Pedals & Perspectives

Packed with inspiring lessons, Pedals & Perspectives is a collection of stories gathered while bicycling for
8 hours a day for 8 months across Thailand, Nepal, Bhutan, and India.

Hi, I’m Sreenath Sreenivasan

I am the author of Pedals & Perspectives, a travelogue that offers valuable life lessons in pushing one’s physical limits, and living with gratitude, grace, and gumption.

I am also a poet, a musician, and an educator. I revel in the process of discovery and following my instincts.

Here’s a collection of my poetry, short-stories, and essays.

I regularly share insights from my self-improvement projects to help people become a better version of themselves. Scroll down to read about my past projects.

Read my latest articles:

Dynamics in music Simplified

A good musician invariably has incredible dynamics. But, it can be a hard concept to grasp. Watch this video to learn about the 8 different

A tale of three friends

A tale about three friends, and their karmic footprint that’s still alive after thousands of years later.

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आ चल हिसाब करते हैंतू तेरी जागीर बिछामें मेरी हथेली बिछाता हूंज़रा देखलकीरें हाथ पर हो या ज़मीं परनसीब एक ही का बना हैहैना? आ

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