Thriving Mindfully

Category: Choice (Page 4 of 4)

Harnessing Help

Back in school we had a story in our textbook that I still remember vividly.
There was a huge trunk of a fallen tree blocking half of the path leading into a nearby town. Most people chose to do nothing about it. They just passed by from the other half of the road that was still accessible.
However, a little boy saw this scene and was determined to change the situation. He kept his school bag aside and started to push the mighty trunk out of the way.
The onlookers were amazed by the boy’s spirit. One by one the onlookers joined him, as did the people passing by. Before too long, the trunk started to roll. Everyone put in all of the energy that they could and soon enough, the trunk rolled out of the way. The road was clear for everyone to use safely.

Where did the energy to move such a mighty trunk come from?
It came from a little boy’s mindset.

There are seemingly insurmountable problems all around us. And we have learnt to navigate our way around these problems to live a life of compromise.
We tend to feel that people are too busy with their own lives to help fix a situation that needs collective effort.
But the parable of the little boy only reaffirms us with the faith that if you are willing to take responsibility of a mighty problem that plagues all, helpful hands will manifest around you.

So, it is never a problem of there being enough help available. There always is help around, albeit in latent form.
That help can always be galvanised.
The only question is,
‘Am I willing to take the first step?’
‘Do I have the heart to take a humongous responsibility?’

If so, the trunk will roll off the road.
It is only a matter of time.

If life is not going anywhere

Deep in our hearts, we all have that little dream of an adventure. But we are guilty of postponing it forever. We think that life is not going away anywhere and we will fulfill our dream of that adventure someday along the way. We do this because we are too afraid to stray from the constancy of life. Since an adventure asks for a tectonic shift in our lifestyle and outlook, we postpone it.
‘Life isn’t going away anywhere,’ we rationalize. ‘One day we will embark’.

However, there is another perspective which might serve one better.

Life truly is not going away anywhere.

Yes, an adventure asks for time and mindspace. But if we give it what it takes, our life will only be further enriched through the experience. We can always come back to the constancy, the mundane daily life. And it is best to come back to it enriched.
As we return to our previous lifestyle after the adventure we’ll discover that we’ve evolved. And we are ready to imagine a life that’s true to who we are deep inside.

So if you feel your life is going nowhere, remember that life is not going away anywhere. Make time, be brave and fulfill the adventure you’ve always wanted to.
In the interest of the evolution of your soul.

Episode or Advertisement?

Quite often we postpone what could be done right now to a point in near future. It’s not that we cannot do what needs to be done right now. We just give ourselves the leisure to indulge in something that could rather wait.
Relate this to how a TV serial is telecast. There’s the episode and then there’s the ads. If it were upto us, we would surely do away with the ads. They merely fill up time in between the slots we really want to watch.
If our life were a TV serial telecast, we quite often choose to live in the ‘ad space’ and not the ‘episode phase’.
If we choose to live like that then our life would carry no message at all, would it?
In the age of Netflix, when TV programming has moved past the old paradigm of ads, we should follow suit in the way we lead our lives.
We should always be mindful,
That a meaningful episode is much more memorable than a passing ad.

It’s best to do what truly matters,
what really needs to be done,
now !

What do you think ?

Beautiful Inside.

On my Bicycle ride from Auroville to Chennai I stopped at a coconut shop I used to frequent years ago. The shop looked a bit run down as compared to how it looked like earlier. I approached the unmanned coconut stand and called out the owner’s name.
‘Saviraj?’ I enquired.
Slowly, an elderly man made his way from his house.
‘Saviraj, do you remember me? I used to come to drink coconuts 5 years ago.’
He nodded smilingly.
In an adorable mix of Tamil and pidgin English he started talking to me.
‘Now enge(where)?’
‘I am cycling from Auroville to Chennai Saviraj’
Meanwhile his wife Sarada came out hearing her husband speak in English.
They both offered me a place to sit. I had a big coconut proffered to me instantly.
They saw my Bicycle loaded up with my luggage and gasped in surprise.
I asked them if I could rest for sometime in the temple across te street.
‘Sleeping here’ said Saviraj pointing to his house.
I laid out my Yoga mat and had a nice nap. In half an hour I awoke to the smell of homemade Dosas. Sarada brought me four thick dosas with the most unique coconut chutney I’ve tasted in my life.

I smiled and accepted the food. It was a delicious feast.
I felt humbled by their spirit of caring. As I was leaving I asked if I could click a Polaroid picture with her.
She blushed and said, ‘Shower no, not look good!’
‘But you’re beautiful. Sooper(Tamil-English slang for remarkable) I said.

Reluctantly she posed and we took a picture.
As the polaroid film developed we waited anxiously. The picture came out great.
‘ Sooper no?’ I asked.
‘Aama(yes)’ she blushed.
I left her with the picture and loaded up my Bicycle to head onward. I was bid goodbye lovingly.

On the way I wondered,
‘She took care of fact that I’d been cycling for 4 hours in the sun and did the best she could to support me. To have such compassion and empathy is the most beautiful asset. It shines through in her eyes. And even if she looked a bit disheveled in the picture because of her household chores, the camera captured the beauty in her spirit.
We often fail to cultivate and realize our own inner beauty. While we are born with the fate of a fixed physical appearance, we also have the opportunity to foster a thriving inner world full of love and compassion. And it is the latter that makes for our true identity.

I hope the picture I left Sarada with keeps reminding her what a caring heart she has. And she realizes the beauty in herself beyond the physical.

Choosing you age

Both my mother and father have two birth dates. One is the official birth date in their school certificate and the other is their actual birth date. They have used their official birth date all their life and now they only faintly remember their real birth day. It is common for people in their generation to have such a situation.

But whenever I see them I am not bothered about how old they are on paper. My mother retired last month from service. Officially she is 60 years old. Yet, she has the energy and outlook of someone much younger. My father is officially 62 years old and still works with the energy of a young man in his twenties.

It got me wondering about the concept of age. We have an official , biological age. That’s a fact. Most official work takes that age into consideration. But another age is the one you represent from your attitude, from your being. I’ve had the fortune of meeting people 60 years of age who have the energy of three 20year olds!

We can choose how old we wish to feel. We can aid our bodies to vitality and impeccable physical health. In the process the mind also becomes nimble and agile. It is a matter of choice.

Cosmetics and treatments will never change how old you feel inside. It only makes one more insecure. True health borne out of a youthful soul and an active body is always secure in itself.
It only inspires good energy around itself. An energy that transpires to people around.

So, no matter how many trips you have made around the sun,
You can still choose,
How youthful you wish to be !
It takes some effort,
But it seems totally worth it !

On Reassurance

Today was a busy workday. As I drew close to the end of working hours in our community, I rested myself under the shade of a mango tree for a break. I looked to the left to see who the chef in the kitchen was. I saw my sister cooking and I couldn’t help but smile. I knew deep inside that I will get a delicious meal for lunch. And I found more energy to finish the rest of my work.
Just her presence reassured me that everything will be all right.

It got me wondering about how we too have the opportunity to be reassuring. Throughout our existence we shoulder some kind of a responsibility. If we build a formidable reputation , so that people can count on us, then our existence magnifies in value.

One can always judge the worth of his contribution by how much reassurance he can give to his team, just by his presence.

The lunch was amazing by the way. And all the hard work was truly worth it.

On privileges and responsibility

Morning. My friend’s two year old nephew, brimful of unbridled energy is running around. He is wearing a warm sweater and a rabbit shaped winter cap on his bobbing head. His dutiful grandma is chasing him with delicious food fresh out of the kitchen.
Witnessing this wonderful moment of his childhood my brother turned to me and expressed,
‘ What an amazing life this little boy has. He has all that he needs, food, clothes, a home, plenty of toys, a loving family and all the time in the world. And he doesn’t even know about his privileges and won’t even remember this idyllic period of his life! How blissfully unaware he is !’

I smiled, and couldn’t help but wonder,
Back home, we have all the food we need, good clothes, a loving family and the time to do whatever we want. We have access to technology and the freedom to create what we want. We are just as privileged as the kid and our freedom of thought and action could emancipate us even further.

Yet, we choose to be unaware of these privileges. And unlike the blissfully unaware state of mind of a child, our unawareness makes us anxious.
From another person’s point of view we are extremely privileged. If you are reading this right now, you are more privileged than 80 percent of the world who does not have the means to access this information.

So the question is, are we sentient enough to realise our privileges and brave enough to take up the responsibility to make something out of the opportunity we have.

There are enough problems to fix, ample opportunities to make our world a better place. The onus is on us !

The bird of your choice

The morning was made mellifluous by the enchanting birdsong. We have more and more birds in the forest these days and the airwaves are brim with their curious chatter.
Since it was morning I couldn’t help but think about the rooster. We always think of a chicken waking us up with its cock-a-doodle-doo singing. But we don’t like this bird so much. It mostly ends up on our plates after all ! Also it has a bad metaphoric reputation. When someone is being cowardly, we called them to be ‘Chickening out’.

Then there is another bird. One that most of us would never see with our own eyes. The penguin. We associate them with a friendly and sociable demeanor. They’re seen as cool headed, relaxed and calm creatures.
I recollected an interesting metaphor about penguins.
When the water is cold and there is fear of predators lurking in the ocean, there’s always that first penguin who dives in the water braving all these fears. Once he jumps, everyone else follows.
Being the first penguin,
taking initiative ,
a leap of faith in the face of uncertainty.

In life we face challenges all the time. And it is then that we choose what we want to do. Do we ‘chicken out?’
Or do we become ‘the first penguin?’

It is our choice,
To choose the right bird.

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